kareena kapoor family

Hot and sexy bold beautiful actress Kareena Kapoor was born in a filmy family having Actor, Actress, Producers and directors, her father Randhir Kapoor and mother Babita were famous actors of their time. Her 02 uncle Rishi Kapoor, Rajiv Kapoor and aunt Neetu Singh were also big names in Bollywood, finally her grand father Raj Kapoor is a legend needing no introduction. He was a great actor, producer and director His roller Shashi Kapoor and Shammi Kapoor were also great names in Indian film industry. If we move a film further her grand father pirthvi kapoor was brilliant actor of his time.Her elder sister Karisma Kapoor needs no introduction. Having such a large family members belonging to film industry, the industry was not a new thing for her, and film doors were always for her.....

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