

Liu Wen Wen, CCTV football baby , China first football baby, most beautiful Olympic volunteers, sports and entertainment presenters , plane models, freelance writer, has served as deputy general manager of a culture. Won Hubei University Games high jump, fourth; National Youth Essay Competition works, "eighth floor of the cat," appeared in the "Fireworks novel" book.

Chinese name: Liu Wen Wen
Foreign Name: Vulva
Nationality: China
National: Chinese
Place of Birth: Wuhan
Date of Birth: June 26, 1983
School: Wuhan University of Technology
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Constellation: Cancer
Blood type: B
Measurements: 89 66 89
Personal experience
■ high school, Liu Wen Wen to the football, "melancholy prince" drew a sketch Baggio, Baggio actually rare to send her a reply
■ University, Liu Wen Wen's letter with Baggio into CCTV "Baby Football" ranks
■ 2007, Liu Wen Wen as Sina sports blog Reds, just six months, up 3.5 million hits, her goal is to do, "China's first beauty of Physical Review Officer"
■ 2010, CCTV for her feature documentary shot on July 19 "sports world" program broadcast.7-year-old girl, across the East Lake
See the 24-year-old Liu Wen Wen, is winding scenic Wei Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan Botanical Garden. She just using the "Eleventh" long, from Beijing back to accompany their parents and friends get-together.
Born in Wuhan Botanical Garden of Liu Wen Wen, very young, her father will be side-tracked by the East Lake while teaching her play in the water. So, 7 years old, when the other children her age can only dog paddle in the lake when the nest, and the two together was able to cross the Lake.

In order to train her daughter's jumping ability, his father hanging on the balcony of a basketball, dunk her 100 times a day. The results, just one summer, she 6 cm tall, her height is also a sudden jump to 1 meter 72. Father of the training tips, let her in high school six years, has become the school's high jump record holder.

Because of Baggio, she become a "Baby Football"

1998 Soccer World Cup , accidentally saw her on TV, "melancholy prince" Baggio. Since then, a 15-year-old girl, as is generally possessed, like the idol. Her monthly pocket money saved, in order to buy every issue of " Sports World "and" football club ", for fear of missing even a little bit of information about Baggio.

Next, she regained the brush , hoping to record every Baggio expression, every look, every ray of depression. Eleventh grade, the Wuhan sister actually boldly sent to them a far Baggio in Italy. A month later, Baggio wrote back. Holding the letter, she was very happy. Although the Italian reply to this, she still did not know the contents, she did not want to pierce your translation of one of the "blue" complex!

Since then, the little girl began to focus on football in Wuhan, concerns Italy, and the ups and downs along with the Italian team victory or defeat or joy or tears.

Re-opening on the eve of the 2006 World Cup, Liu Wen Wen's letter with Baggio, participated in the China Central Television "Baby Football" game, and with an English song "Hero" has become one of "Baby Football." Subsequently, the Phoenix program invited her to participate in the recording. At the scene, she painted a portrait of Roberto Baggio, this lasted for 12 years of "spiritual love" are thus exposed.

Baggio came, she want to see him

In August 2006, Baggio came to China for a short visit. However, Liu Wen Wen has given up the opportunity to meet. Many familiar friends are asked with concern: Why do not you see Baggio?

On the surface, her response seems a bit casual: "I do not like their emotions the same as other people's feelings, I do not like Baggio and friendly with amazing vision to glance at a picture forget to look over the face."

And privately, but she secretly resolved: one day in the life, I will go to Italy, to see Baggio, thanks to the "accompany" their way to the growth of distant friends.

After the World Cup, a very appreciated her music people asked her to go to Beijing development. By chance, she played in a basketball website TBBA spokesperson. As a result, she claimed "totally wild" and began a career in beauty sports blog. Take pictures, watch the game, writing ball commentary, with their talent and savvy, she wrote a lot of ball commentary articles. CAPE Sina Bo six hits to reach 200 million people, has been ranked for six weeks top sports blog; in Tencent CAPE Bo 3 months more than 150 million visits. Because the sharp point of view, language, humor, media, each of these networks are a large number of cultural references. She also successfully completed the life of another transformation - from a vase-like "Baby Football" became well-known beauty writers. And her eyes are focused on the domestic "beauty ball the first person to comment," the Corolla.

Has the most beautiful football baby , baby China's first football title of Liu Wen Wen yesterday afternoon microblogging sent a lot of emotion inside, said she was written in March 2009, the novel, in the year contact the publishers are 8,9 declined, read the manuscript of people say well; new publishers are afraid of losing money the answer; investors who do not care about her work, and have called investors are willing to help her out of the book, but frequently made ​​vague hints. Is a beauty, do not have to go through a book unspoken rules? In this regard, Liu Wen Wen replied: "I will be the premise of the clamping legs out of the book, I do not believe." 

May 2011 published the first novel, "becomes a man."

Last year, many times in the event of unfair treatment or even "hidden rules", the Liu Wen Wen once said on a number of media: "I will be the premise of the clamping legs out of the book, I do not believe." Does not work negative off by repeated large modifications, Wuhan University Press accepted the "male sex change," the novel, and was recently officially published.

"Changed man", this conspicuous but some people talking of the title quite a shock, some people think this is a book about the "degeneration" theme of the book, some people think that this may be one on homosexuality the story. In fact, the author Liu Wen Wen want to say is: "People in the society's rules, the continuous evolution, survival of the fittest. Like a metamorphosis of the" Origin of Species ", the girl becomes a woman, a woman becomes a man , a man turned into animals in the city jungle, with the desire to pay tribute to Darwin, this book is about women experiencing emotional twists and turns, it can become a rational, strong, like a man ... "

Liu Wen Wen specializes in analysis of the current fashion of emotional relationships between men and women, on his blog, "Liu Wen Wen classical quotations" in the widely circulated, and she's this ability is in this novel to the limit. Even more staggering is that the language of sharp fashion style beauty is equally avant-garde. This "seemingly" works of fiction, he also fused with essays, plays and other writing style, while still a little taste of stream of consciousness inside. "Style is created by our predecessors. Why do we have to stick to that called" style "of things? Authors write fun, readers read dripping, is a good style." Changed man "is a pain after 70, 80 acid, the book of love after 90. "Liu Wen Wen says.











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